Basic Commands

Get standard debug info from the ununifi daemon:

ununifid status

Check if your node is catching up:

# Query via the RPC (default port: 26657)
curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.catching_up

Get your node ID:

ununifid tendermint show-node-id

Your peer address will be the result of this plus host and port, i.e. <id>@<host>:26656 if you are using the default port.

Check if you are jailed or tombstoned:

ununifid query slashing signing-info $(ununifid tendermint show-validator)

Get your valoper address:

ununifid keys show <your-key-name> -a --bech val

See keys on the current box:

ununifid keys list

Import a key from a mnemonic:

ununifid keys add <new-key-name> --recover

Export a private key (warning: don't do this unless you know what you're doing!)

ununifid keys export <your-key-name> --unsafe --unarmored-hex

Withdraw rewards (including validator commission), where ununifivaloper1... is the validator address:

ununifid tx distribution withdraw-rewards <ununifivaloper1...> --from <your-key>  --commission


ununifid tx staking delegate <ununifivaloper1...> <AMOUNT>uununifi --from <your-key>

Find out what the JSON for a command would be using --generate-only:

ununifid tx bank send $(ununifid keys show <your-key-name> -a) <recipient addr> <AMOUNT>uununifi --generate-only

Query the validator set (and jailed status) via CLI:

ununifid query staking validators --limit 1000 -o json | jq -r '.validators[] | [.operator_address, (.tokens|tonumber / pow(10; 6)), .description.moniker, .jail, .status] | @csv' | column -t -s"," | sort -k2 -n -r | nl

Get contract state:

ununifid q wasm contract-state all <contract-address>

Last updated